Been so long since I last wrote since I was busy with quitting my job and then joining a new place and then obviously working in it!
So I am back to a radio station! And I am back on-air! Where? Well, that's not important. Really... it does not matter. Point being I am again a part of something I love so much. Radio.
The reasons for taking it up back are many but I do know one thing for sure, that it feels like home. And its not about being in a comfort zone, its about going back to something you love and something you know the workings of.
I often used to tell people that if I join radio again it would be like getting back with someone that I've broken up with. And it is exactly that. The expectations, the familiarity and yet the distance, the feeling of being sure and yet unsure. and also the 'I knew this would happen' moments are already arriving :)
But I realise that I can keep writing - now as a jock. So i'll close this chapter and begin a new one :)