It's a regular evening - moving out of office, I noticed that the company car that drops people to the station is still around and I hop in to save Rs.13 and some walking and waiting. The driver generally just tunes in any station and we listen to songs on our way to the station, but today was a moment of radio magic :)
World No-Tobacco Day and Mantra has a few people calling him and give their opinion on the theme for this year's No Tobacco Day, which was reducing smoking habit in women. (talk about gender bias!!) - in any case, the interesting part for me so far was that the channel had not been switched. And then of course everyone was quite and actually 'tuned into' what *Mantra was saying.. and more importantly, what the people were saying about this idea. (We love giving and listening to opinions, don't we?)Then there was the punch - which was provided by none other than a listener who said he wanted his mom to stop chewing tobacco! And however hard I try, I cannot express the innocence with which he shared his concern and the humour element that the moment carried. Mantra made it funnier with his reaction to this statement, and suddenly there was the 'radio magic moment' - right there! A Sumo full of women - was full of smiles and giggles. Everyone connected, though no one knew anyone!
Here, what was being discussed on-air was: Tobacco (which none of the women in the car connected to) Here, the link was pretty long. (yet not switched off) Here, there was rapt attention. Here, it was not about what the jock said or how smart he was or what his 'punch' was. He was just available. Yet, here, is where the magic was.
Besides proving an age-old fact in radio, that the listeners are the biggest source of content, it made me write about this for one more reason. I just knew all over again, Radio can do wonders. Just let it be. Keep it simple.
*Mantra (Red FM drive-time host) is one of the most popular jocks in Mumbai.